Wednesday, 21 September 2011


The printed poster is not tilted like this!     
If you click on this link you will open the official Flogging Molly myspace page. On 'music', scroll down to Float and hover on the 'play' symbol (white triangle on a black disc). Click on this to start the song.  I selected this because it was this song - especially the chorus - that gave me the idea for the slogan on the poster.  But now back to work......
OOPS!  Last digits on phone number should be 1405
Error corrected on distributed posters.

I do not like those who sit on the fence or those who are 'two faced' because they are untrustworthy; this is why I have never liked the LibDems.  Now, however, there is not much to choose between them and the Labour Party which also advocates cuts to 'solve' the economic crisis.

Interestingly, at the very recent LibDem conference, retired GP Charles West used the same 'boat' metaphor as I have used on the poster (except he called it a 'ship')  Described as one of the leaders of the grassroot opposition to the NHS reforms, Dr West declared that LibDem inspired amendments to the Health Bill were merely changes in words rather than substance.  He then called the bill "a leaky ship" and said "I'm worried that the ship will sink and that the NHS will sink with it, and if our name is on that ship we will go down as well." concluding "And, friends, we deserve to."  Anyway, he wasn't the only delegate raising concerns about the bill but to read more see the report by H. Mulholland, political reporter,, Wednesday 21st September.  Not that such concerns were of any consequence because the LibDem leadership denied delegates a vote on a specific motion relating to the bill.  Well, that democracy for you, eh?

And this at a time when we are being informed by really knowledgeable financial specialists that Europe is on the brink of an economic disaster. William Keegan, in last Sunday's Observer newspaper, actually used the word 'catastrophe'. "The British economy is on the verge of an economic and social catastrophe. So is our principal export market, the eurozone." (If you don't know who William Keegan is - look him up!)

Locally, our NW Evening Mail provides a couple of snippets - another group is holding a meeting at The Forum on the 6th October, but in the morning. 'Moving Forward for a Healthy Future in Furness' will provide people with an update on developments in the NHS.  The event will also provide people with information about locality commissioning and public health, and give them an opportunity to discuss important issues that will help to shape the future of health care in Furness.
And a new chairman has been chosen for the NHS trust which runs Cumbria's community, dental and mental health services.  Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has appointed Mike Taylor to the position and he will work alongside the current post holder, Bryan Betterton (who is retiring), until his term starts in November.  We are informed Mr Taylor has leadership experience across the private, public and voluntary sectors, including a lengthy career with Shell in the UK and overseas.  He should be able to manage a privatised NHS, then.

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