Monday, 12 September 2011


John Woodcock MP at TAs Barrow campaign 
Furness Against the Cuts will hold a Public Meeting at the Studio Theatre, The Forum, Barrow, 7.30 til 9.30pm on Thursday 6th October.

The principal guest will be Dr David Wrigley GP in Carnforth, Lancashire, speaker for Keep Our NHS Public and British Medical Association UK Council member who will expose the government's plans to privatise parts of the National Health Service and explain why this should be rigorously opposed.

A speaker from the Public and Commercial Services union has yet to be confirmed.  Unison is unable to provide a speaker for this event at this time.

Member of Parliament for the Barrow and Furness constituency, John Woodcock, has been invited as have members of the Constituency Labour Party. The Green Party has also been invited to attend.
A 'roving microphone' has been booked to enable members of the public to be heard by all when asking questions of the speakers.

The photograph above was taken when John Woodcock briefly attended an event held last March by local Teachers' Assistants petitioning in protest against 'Single Status' to be imposed on them by Cumbria County Council - for many TAs this could mean a substantial reduction in pay and, perhaps, some having to give up the job completely.

Wednesday 14th September. Live theatre performance of Robert Tressell's 'Ragged Trousered Philanthropists", Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal 7.30pm Tickets £14 and £13.
Saturday 1st October. FAC Street Stall, Dalton Road, Barrow, 10am until 12 noon.
Saturday 1st October. Giant Book Sale, Abbot Hall Social Centre, Dowkers Lane, Kendal 11am until 4pm - organised by Westmorland & Lonsdale Constituency Labour Party.
Sunday 2nd October.  TUC national protest march outside Conservative Party Conference. Rally at Number One First Street, Manchester. (Behind Manchester Central - the old GMEX) Local transport - try Barrow TUC secretary Robert Pointer, (01229) 470616 or mobile 07979605276 or email 
Tuesday 4th October. Barrow Trades Union Council, GMB Office, Hartington Street, Barrow 7pm.
Wednesday 5th October. FAC Steering Group meeting, Greengate Children's Centre, Greengate Street, Barrow 6.30 until 7.30pm
Thursday 6th October.  FAC PUBLIC MEETING, Studio Theatre, The Forum, Barrow. 7.30 until 9.30pm.
Saturday 8th October. Leon Rosselson In Concert, Shakespeare Centre, Highgate,Kendal, Tickets £10.  Bookings - Dave Cope 01539 729599 or email

And November, so far...
Wednesday 2nd November. FAC Steering Group, Greengate Children's Centre, Barrow, 6.30 until 7.30pm
Sunday 6th November. 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists', talk and discussion led by David Harker of North East Shop Stewards, Abbot Hall Social Centre, Dowkers Lane, Kendal.  Details from
Date of FAC's November 'Street Stall' to be confirmed.

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