Saturday, 19 May 2012


This weblog has always presented things as they actually are and not as we would wish them to be.  No matter how carefully some things may be planned for, such plans can be overtaken by 'events' beyond the control of the group and that is what happened today (Saturday 19th May).  Matters are made worse when so much depends upon the efforts of so few - if ten are campaigning and two must drop out then this has little affect but if only three are able to campaign and two must drop out....

Yes, it's something of a set-back because the next available date is not until next month which means there has been no campaign in May.  Breaks in continuity could affect public perception of the campaign and can, in certain circumstances, undermine the confidence of the campaigners themselves.  So far, there is no evidence that such breaks in the past have caused either of these but this does not mean damage will not be caused in the future - hence the need to reassess the structure of FAC.

The next meeting of the FAC planning group will be held at Greengate Children's Centre on Wednesday 6th June from 6.30 until 7.30pm.  All who are against the cuts are welcome to attend.   

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